With all these books, and all this fabric, you would think my mind would never stop producing ideas, but I am in a creative funk right now. Part of this has to do with my mom breaking her leg and the time I have been spending with her, and some medical issues with other family members.
To combat the inertia, I have been cleaning my studio, folding fabric, ironing,just spending time in there, and I have also been spending time with this book.
I can't remember the blog I saw this on, but I'm so glad I bought it. I already know most of the principles in here, but he goes over them so simply, and gives such great examples, I find I can pick it up for a short amount of time between obligations and focus on a little piece of the creative puzzle.
My mom is on the mend, and hopefully my creative juices will start flowing again soon
oh, good grief, Karen -- no wonder you're in a creative slump. I hope your mom mends soon and that you can get your life back. Believe me, I know what you're going through.
sometimes the lull can give the creative mind a chance to rest and be still and allow us to engage with the world outside of us...such as you've described. Glad to hear your Mom is on the mend. Get some rest yourself. peace,
I hope your mother will recover soon and
wish you will be soon freed from your creater's block!
Thank for sharing your book-tip!
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