Thursday, March 13, 2014

New York and New Jersey

What an incredible week this was. On Monday night I had the opening of my solo show at The ArtQuilt Gallery in the Chelsea area of Manhattan New York. This is a wonderful gallery space next to The City Quilter store, run by Dale Riehl, Cathy Izzo and Judy Doenias.

The artwork looked so great up on the wall, it's always a thrill to see my work anywhere other than the guest bed.

Look at the flowers my local crit group sent, they have been such a huge support in my growth as an artist.

I've always thought of myself as somewhat shy, but it seems when I'm talking about my art, I can't shut up. The show will be up until April 19th, so if you get a chance, please stop by and check it out.

From New York, we took a train up to Princeton, New Jersey, for an artist's reception of the "A View Within" show at the Princeton Brain and Spine Institute. This show was put together by Madelaine Shellaby, curator of Art Times Two. Paula and I were supposed to attend an opening here in early December, but polar vortex cancelled our plans. Since I was already on the east coast, Madelaine arranged this reception.

Paula and I rarely get to see our work together, so this was a real treat for me, Paula will have to rely on my photos.

The reception attendees commented on what they felt was our ability to make something beautiful out of something that is usually stressful,

and I heard that the Drs. and patients enjoyed having the art in this environment.

In the mean time, it was 20 degrees in New York today and 75 in Los Angeles, where I'm headed home


Olga Norris said...

How rewarding it must have been to see your work up and enjoyed. I'm glad that you were able to get to both shows.

Judy Rys said...

Congratulations Karen. The recognition is well deserved!