Monday, October 13, 2014

World of Threads and Quilt National Work

This is the last of the pieces I will be exhibiting in World of Threads next month.  It's called "Losing His Mind",  and it's the second in a series of Alzheimer's pieces.  It's 58 inches long by 43 inches wide. It is similar to my past work, with the white fabric dyed black, then soy wax marked and discharged.  The background is organza, shrunk with wool batting, and the hand stitching of broken rows become more pronounced towards the top, signifying to me the missed connections that take place when struggling with this disease.

Here's a close up.  I had to decide if I wanted this to be entered into World of Threads or QN, and I went with World of Threads, mainly because I think the work is a little edgier, and I'd never submitted to it before.

This piece below, "Smile" was entered into QN.  It is 25 inches long, and 37 inches wide, made in the same fashion as the piece above.

And the close up

This weekend, I traveled down to San Diego to attend the opening of Visions.  I always run into someone I know here, and this time was no exception.  Lisa Kijak has a wonderful piece in the exhibit in her continuing series on neon signs, and Marianne Burr was there with her piece "Eleven 3 Eleven", which won the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Recognition Award.
Speaking of Del, here we are, cooling off and catching up from the show.

My favorite piece from the show was by Shin-hee Chin, titled Ryu, Gwan-Sun

The stitching is incredible, and I think it's done by hand

It's one of those pieces you can't stop staring at.

Of course I had to check out the gift shop, and found some Twelve by Twelve books for sale

If you get a chance, try to check out the exhibit, if you can't they have a catalog available.

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