I just came back from the new Visions show featuring Elizabeth Barton, Katie Pasquini -Masopust and Fran Skiles. There was a pizza luncheon for SAQA members followed by a panel discussion, then the opening. The panel discussion was quite interesting, a lot of talk about art in general, how fiber art is viewed and how the 3 women labeled themselves. They all agreed they are artists first, then subdivided into fiber or mixed media. Elizabeth made an interesting comment about what she says when people ask her what she does. She says she looks at the person, trying to gauge their knowledge in the art world before replying, as sometimes she has to explain herself in more general terms. Someday, hopefully, people will understand when you say fiber artist.
Fran Skiles made this comment "The more you work in your field, the more you trust the process". I think I have to remember that when I get frustrated with what I'm doing.
As usual, whenI I'm around other artists I become very inspired to get on with my own art. I made a peice called Aspen in the Spring and it is developing into a series.
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